Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Blogging in Review: Top Ten Blog Posts

Presenting: my top ten favorite posts in order of the date posted. Enjoy!
  1. New Year = Spanking New Post! - This is my very first post. I wanted to include it as an example of my blogging foundation. I don't think its so bad, though a little hard to read. I would have bolded the headings for increased scan-ability.
  2. Online Class 1: Barlow and Whalen...Discuss -This is my second post and already you can see the progress I've made in terms of formatting. There are bolded text, linking, and separation of ideas by paragraphs. I also liked this article because it presented an argument in a concise and easy to follow manner.
  3. Songsmith Rocks! -This is an example of the majority of non class related posts I did for this blog. I really enjoy this post because it shows that I don't have to write a lot to convey a message, I can use other media like a video or a song.
  4. Blogging and other writings: a comparison -This posts compares online writing to print writing. I liked this post because I think my ideas are relevant and presented in an easy to read way.
  5. It's about time I posted a picture. -This post is an example of how dynamic a blog post can be. I used a combination of text, pictures, and video to convey my message.
  6. Searching for Something? -I really like this post because it contained a lot of useful information and was presented in an interesting and easy to read way. I also think that the title is intriguing and informative.
  7. Online Class 7: Zines -This post is very well organized and easy to scan. I was able to clearly lay out my Zine project for all to review. I also included a label for easy organization. This was one of my posts that solicited comments.
  8. Attempting to Organize -This is another product description. I feel that I gave a good review of the tool and gave readers enough information to arrive at a general opinion. But, I also included external links that would take them to more information about the product.
  9. Online Class 10: Web Project -I liked this post because like the Zine post, I was able to clearly outline my ideas in an easy to read format.
  10. What I stumbledupon today -This post reviews another product/tool in an easy to digest manner. I offer reasons why I like it as well as reason why I don't. I demonstrate how the tool works and link to more information.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Blogging in Review

I wrote my first blog post just four months ago as a part of my Writing for the Web course. The semester is now coming to an end and I feel that it would be beneficial to review my progression as an online writer.

Blogging Techniques
One of the key things I've learned in the course is how to communicate to online readers both through modifying the content of my blog as well as the format. I find that Constance J. Peterson's Writing for a Web Audience sums it up best. A good blog post:
  • Punch up headlines
  • Emphasize key concepts
  • Create meaningful captions
  • Simplify for understanding
  • States conclusion first
  • Has only one idea per paragraph
  • Makes each page stand alone
  • Links wisely
  • Is current, accurate, and credible
The Power of Blogging
This experience has also taught me that blogging can be a powerful tool for forming public opinions. Just look at the impact of Engadget and Gizmodo on the technology industry or the impact of blogs like the Daily Kos, the Huffington Post, and FiveThirtyEight on politics. In fact I would argue that blogs are so influential in our daily decision making that corporations are taking note and have started participating in this new media. In the last ten years, social online media as an industry sector has grown tremendously. It seems everyone is online spreading some kind of message.

Digital vs Print
To me, digital writing like blogs are more informal and generally more accessible than writing for print. I've done a lot of writing for other classes and blogging has been the easiest way for me to voice my opinions in a quick and effective way. I enjoy how interactive a blog can be, a element missing from writing a reflection or an essay. It's almost as good as having an in person discussion with someone. As I discussed in my post Blogging and other writings: a comparison blogging is different from print writing because blogging:
  • Is more interactive
  • Allows for more creativity in presenting ideas
  • Is a social activity
My Progression
Having written in this blog for the entire semester, I have learned that my writing style and my personality is better suited for writing on the web. Specifically, I enjoy the interactiveness of the online public and the feeling that I am reaching out to a lot of people. This sense of power is very compelling.

My writing style is also better for online writing because I enjoy writing in blog form: in chunks with headings, captions, and pictures. I find that a multi-media approach best conveys my ideas in an efficient and effective way.

I can't say that I am a citizen journalist but I feel that I do contribute to the overall dialogue. I have discovered that much of what I write is influenced by what I read which are reviews of innovative ideas, tools, and products.

I think Meg Hourihan's post What We're Doing When We Blog best explains my experience as a blogger and why I prefer blogging to writing for print. She writes:
"Blog posts are short, informal, sometimes controversial, and sometimes deeply personal, no matter what topic they approach. They can be characterized by their conversational tone and unlike a more formal essay or speech, a blog post is often an opening to a discussion, rather than a full-fledged argument already arrived at."
While we may differ in the content of our blogs, we are the same in that blogging provides us with a method of communication unlike any other. As a writer, whose purpose is to communicate with her readers, blogging is perhaps one of the best medium.

Final Thoughts
Overall I have had a positive blogging experience. I can truly say that I have enjoyed this course immensely and feel that I have been given just the right amount of information and support for developing my blog. One area that I would have enjoyed exploring though is that of blogging in the context of business and entrepreneurship. Overall I would recommend learning about blogging and online media to everyone, especially if you want to stay in the information loop. I know I have much to learn and will continue to refine my digital writing skills.

Monday, April 20, 2009

What I Stumbledupon Today

There are many social media tools out there and I hardly pay attention to any of them. But one such tools that I actually use quite frequently is stumbleupon, which is a web surfing tool that allow users to randomly shuffle through websites based on their interests. Some of my interest include: art, bizarre, food, safety (for work), business, and technology.

Stumbleupon In Action
Look what I stumbled just now!

Slovenian artist Franc Grom

Toilet Paper Roll Sculptures

Pros and Cons

I have to say stumbleupon is quite addictive and can offer hours of fun. I even use it to brainstorm ideas with my boss. The problem is that stumbleupon isn't very easy to organize so now I have a whole bunch of cool websites but I can't find anything when I need it. Overall though, it is a great web tool.

Online Class 11: Tweet Tweet!

Everyone has their preferences for social media: there is facebook, myspace, twitter, stumbleupon, and the list goes on and on. Personally, I haven't really gotten into social media. I feel like the relationships developed online aren't as "real". Of course I've never actually developed a true relationship with anyone online. I think I'm a little skeptical of who is out there.

For me I use social media outlets for keeping up with and sharing information with current friends. A general rule for me is to be online friends with people I've met at least once. I think I have difficulty making friends online because I am pretty skeptical of people in general. I tend not to make "true" friends easily, even in person.

As a result, I tend to think that social media relationships are, as Clive Thomson puts it in "I'm So Digitally Close to You," , "the ultimate expression of a generation of celebrity-addled youths who believe their every utterance is fascinating and ought to be shared with the world". On some level I think this addiction to social media is creating a generation of socially stunted people.

Monday, April 13, 2009

What a terrible day!

Last night I went to bed at 3 AM finishing up a paper that was due this morning. I wake up an hour late and rush to print my paper while getting ready. Lo and behold there's no paper in the printer. So I leave without it.

I'm already late so I park closer to my class in one of the metered parking but run out of change to get the max amount of time. I rush off praying I don't get towed.

I get to class and we do absolutely nothing. I am working with a partner who doesn't want to work and we sit and watch YouTube videos. I explain my printer mishap to my professor and she tells me I can turn it in tomorrow. What a waste of time! Had I known it wasn't due I wouldn't have stayed up late to finish it.

After wasting away for an hour and a half we finally get to leave. I run to my car and of course I get a parking ticket. OF COURSE!

On the way back the traffic is crap. I get home and there is no milk. I am rushed by a million things to do and a bajillion projects to complete. Today has started off on a terrible note.

But, as I relive my morning, via this blog post, I realize that it hasn't been that bad after all. Hopefully these will cheer me up:

On Engrish! Find more here.

Online Class 10: Web Project

I am doing my web project for the company I work for: Osha Services. The goal is to create a research database and resource website that will:
  1. Be the number one source of OSHA information in Trinidad and Tobago and
  2. Drive more business
The Design
In order to achieve this we are looking to use a more circular site structure where multiple pages are linked to each other. The primary source of information will be the TT OSH Act which will drive the rest of the resource website. We hope to integrate our existing newsletter with this website. Additionally, we want to incorporate multimedia videos and interactive activities as a means to teach the material in a more web friendly way.

Design Paradigm
I will be emphasizing the following techniques in creating this website:
  • use bullets and chunking for easier readability
  • try to illustrate with pictures and videos
  • avoid flash to increase download speeds
  • try to format the page to fit the screen entirely, minimizing scroll
  • incorporate corporate branding throughout the website
  • provide search engines and linked outlines for easier accessibility
Overall, I think this will be a challenging project but once the site is up, I think it will drive a lot of business. Do you have any suggestions for making the website user friendly?

Monday, April 6, 2009

Online Class 9: Perez Made me Illiterate

In 2008, ReadWriteWeb claimed that GEN-Y is taking over. The article Why Gen-Y is Going to Change the Web features several ways in which we differ from the rest of the world and how organizations, businesses in particular, can capitalize on this. I have to say the author was right on target. (Probably cause she is some twenty-year old intern writing the article. Of course I'm only speculating).

One particularly interesting insight was that websites will have to cater to shorter attention spans. For me, this is especially true and quite scary because I found that my focus in general has been lacking. Like the author in Is Google Making Us Stupid, reading for me has become more difficult than ever. I remember I used to breeze through books when I was in middle school, back when I didn't even really like the computer. Now I feel like I'm always chunking what I read and craving for bullet points and bold to guide me through a passage. This has made reading books nearly impossible. I am always reading passages over again because I would have been distracted by just about anything. This phenomenon happens for books I enjoy too! To remedy this I even bought a book on how to read effectively. Unfortunately, I never finished it.

I think reading online has really changed the way I read. I think I am actually hardwired now to comprehend a certain way.

So, I think someone (maybe me?) should develop a technique/a book on how to read post Internet brain scramble. By appealing to the tendencies of the Internet reader, perhaps we can re-learn how to read a book. Or maybe its time to change the way books are written.

What do you think?

Lastly for your amusement: